Student Representative Council



The Student Representative Council (SRC), a student advisory council, serves as a representative committee for music majors. Its membership is elected in the spring of each year by the music majors.

Nominations and Elections

Nominations and elections for all representatives will take place approximately one month before the end of the spring semester during a General Recital or other official student meeting. The student body is to be notified of elections at least one week in advance. There are five representatives: one representative each from the divisions (woodwind/brass/percussion, string/keyboard, and vocal) and two at-large representatives. The divisional representatives shall be nominated and elected by their respective peers within the department. Students will vote concerning their primary applied area. The at-large representatives will be nominated and elected by the complete music major body. If no divisional student wishes to serve or is elected, that representative seat shall be voted on at-large.

All terms will run one year commencing at the beginning of the fall semester, with no limit on the number of re-elections. In the event of a premature vacancy, the student body will nominate and elect a replacement at a General Recital. Nominations shall, in the case of divisional representatives, be from the same divisional area. All election procedures are subject to an annual review following the completion of the election.

The SRC functions in the following manner:

The Council elects its own President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as a representative to the LAS Council. In the spring, the Department Head appoints a faculty member to serve as the official advisor to the SRC. The SRC or any student may make a recommendation to the Department head regarding this appointment. An individual member of the SRC, or someone recommended by the SRC, will serve as a member of the departmental curriculum committee. The SRC also recommends a student to represent the department on the University Performing Arts Council (to recommend artists for the Stephens Performing Arts Series). The SRC will meet regularly (usually once a month) as a committee to discuss recommendations and questions brought to them by the students and to compare notes regarding their service on the various departmental committees. These meetings are to be announced to the student body to encourage participation. The SRC may, upon request, meet with the Department Head. The SRC may solicit help of appropriate students for special projects whenever necessary. The SRC organizes Music Department VEISHEA events including the departmental display. The SRC will hold a session at which students may bring up questions and concerns without faculty present at least once a year at the end of a General Recital. A meeting of both former and newly elected members will be held before the end of the spring semester. Other functions and duties include: Annual registration as an ISU campus organization with the Office of Student Life, the use of semi-annual allocations of funds from the LAS Council in the best interests of the music department's student body, and the administration of the annual SRC election. All music majors are encouraged to work closely with their representatives on any matter regarding policy and procedure. The SRC is the student voice in all departmental matters. The effectiveness of the SRC is dependent upon the interest and effort of each student.

To contact the members of the SRC, please email

Top Left: Ian Lewis
Top Center: Aubrey Garretson
Top Right: Harbour Buchanan
Bottom Left: Everette Adams
Bottom Right: Allie Pauly