
About Iowa State University Choirs

Welcome to the Iowa State Choirs!

Historically ISU’s choral program has enjoyed recognition as one of the finest in the country and in participating, it can provide experiences you’ll cherish for a lifetime. 

  • Over the years we have seen nearly 400 students singing in the ISU choirs.  Our choirs have a vibrant mix of music majors and non-music majors. In fact, about 85% of our choristers are NOT music majors.  
  • All singers earn academic credit.  
  • Every student says that singing in an ISU choir is a great break in the day.  And studies show that those who sing actually do better in their other academic classes!
  • Our singers are some of the friendliest people on campus.
  • Our singers work to make each choir a “family,” where you’ll be able to make music and develop friendships that will last a lifetime. 

Choir Orientation (for incoming students)



We have four large ensembles at ISU. Each choir at Iowa State has its own identity and sings a number of concerts each year.


Iowa State Singers

A 72-member select and highly-distinguished mixed ensemble. Rehearsal times: MTWRF 12:10 – 1:00 pm.

Iowa State Singers



A select treble voice ensemble with a focus on adventurous, contemporary programming. Rehearsal times: MWF 11:00 – 11:50 am.



The Iowa Statesmen

One of the largest tenor-bass choirs in the country, renowned for their character and active role in the Iowa State community. Rehearsal times: MWF 1:10 – 2:00.

The Iowa Statesmen

Lyrica group singing


Treble-voice ensemble that explores choral musical sounds and practices from many traditions.  Rehearsal times: MWF 2:15 – 3:05.




2024 Auditions for all ensembles take place August 22-25.

  • If you are a tenor or bass, visit the bulletin board outside Music Hall Room 111 to sign up for a time with Dr. Rodde. You will also fill out the audition form found there and bring it with you at your time.
  • If you are a soprano or alto, you should sign up for an audition with Dr. Rodgers to be heard for Cantamus and Lyrica and with Dr. Rodde only if you are interested in the Iowa State Singers. You can do both auditions to be considered for all three choirs that involve treble voices.
    • To sign up for an audition for the Iowa State Singers with Dr. Rodde, visit the bulletin board outside Music Hall Room 111. You will also fill out the audition form found there and bring it with you at your time.
    • To sign up for an audition for Cantamus and Lyrica with Dr. Rodgers, use the QR code below to fill out an online audition form and then choose an audition time.
audition qr code
Cantamus and Lyrica Audition Form

If you are unable to sign up for an audition time or if posted times are not possible for you, please contact Dr. Rodde ( or Dr. Rodgers ( to make other arrangements. 

If you would like to register for an ensemble sooner, sopranos and altos should register for MUS 1410, and tenors and basses for MUS 1510B, as your class schedule permits.  If you have an interest in auditioning for the Iowa State Singers (mixed ensemble) attempt to keep the 12:00 hour free in your weekly schedule (M-F).  If you are interested in Cantamus, keep the 11:00 hour free on MWF.  Final rosters will be determined during the first week of classes. 

***Spring auditions are by appointment with conductors.

Audition Process

Each audition will last about seven minutes.  We’ll sing some brief vocalizes and tonal memory exercises.  You are encouraged to bring a prepared solo if you have one, but this is not at all required.  Finally, a short sight-reading or rhythm passage may be a part of your audition depending on your goals.