Inspired by Germelshausen, a German story by Friedrich Gerstacker, Brigadoon revolves around two American tourists, Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas, who stumble upon a misty little Scottish town. Tommy soon falls in love with a local lass, Fiona MacLaren, but as the two men quickly discover, this mysterious little town only reawakens for one day every hundred years. This is a cooperative venture between Iowa State University Theatre and Stars Over VEISHEA.
April 11 and 12 at 7:30 p.m. and April 13 at 2:00 p.m.
Stephens Auditorium – Ames
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Production photos by Patrick Gouran
- Angus - Nicholas Anstey
- Archie - Marty Ellenberger
- Bagpiper - Scott Birkett
- Charlie - Matt McCue
- Chorus - Ashley Miller
- Chorus - Steven Diesburg
- Chorus - Kelly Petersen
- Chorus - Sarah Hastings
- Chorus - Katie Argotsinger
- Chorus - Scott Mettille
- Chorus - Mike Schmidt
- Chorus - Sarah Chapman
- Chorus - Katie Mozack
- Chorus - Laura Genglebach
- Chorus - Shelby Seivers
- Chorus - Clayton Johnson
- Chorus - Max Burnham
- Chorus - Eric Schumann
- Chorus - Jay Flory
- Chorus - Anne Shelley
- Chorus - Sarah Thompson
- Fiona - Anna Shelley
- Frank - Rich Fulkerson
- Harry - Brian Rowles
- Jane - Lyndsie McCarthy
- Jean - Patti Stringer
- Jeff - Jonathon Eyres
- Kate/Maggie - Taylor Hull
- Lundie - Greg Wool
- MacLaren - Jason Hurst
- Meg - Melinda Wadsley
- Tommy - Trevor Helmers
- Understudy/Chorus - Richard Fulkerson
- Understudy/Chorus - Kelly Bartlett
- Understudy/Chorus - Megan Helmers
- Understudy/Chorus - Lorainna Williams
- Understudy/Chorus - Joe Wilgenbusch
- Understudy/Chorus - Kelly Larsen
- Understudy/Chorus - Joe Matson
- Understudy/Chorus - Justin Schlicher
Creative Team
- Assistant Director - David Govek
- Assistant Stage Manager - Jalyn Buechler
- Choreographer - Amy Martin
- Conductor - Matthew Smith
- Costume Designer - Gregory Duckett
- Dialect Coach - Steven Gabus
- Director - Terence Goodman
- Fight Choreographer - Ryan Walrod
- Lighting Designer - Jim Trenberth
- Music Director - Donald Simonson
- Scene Designer - Rob Sunderman
- Stage Manager - Chris Hennes