Camille Danner

Production Member Credits
- Ten-Minute Play Festival (2022-2023) - Bossa Nova and Bees, Clipboard
- Iowa Insect Pageant (2021-2022) - Company
- One-Act Play Festival (2021-2022) - Better Than the Movie, DM
- Night of the Living Dead! The Musical! (2022-2023) - Wardrobe Crew
Creative Team
- Student Fringe Festival (2022-2023) - Memories: Fashion/Art Show - Designer
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Writer
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Director, A Path less Traveled
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Scenic Design, A Path Less Traveled