Ashley Oxenreider

Production Member Credits
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Performer, Towards the Light
Creative Team
- Iowa Insect Pageant (2021-2022) - Stage Manager
- Iowa Insect Pageant (2021-2022) - Puppet Fabricator
- One-Act Play Festival (2021-2022) - Director, Where is the Bus?
- Street Scene (2021-2022) - Assistant Stage Manager
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Writer
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Director, Separate Ways
- On the Horizon: Festival of Student-Produced Work (2020-2021) - Assistant Stage Manager
- Our Community Carol: A Blueprint for a Play (2020-2021) - Writer