Minor in Music Technology

The Minor in Music Technology is a program of study to prepare students for work in the creative application of computer technologies to sound synthesis techniques, programming designs for computer-based musical instruments ("virtual instruments"), development of human-computer interfaces for musical performance, and electronic music composition.

Note: this minor is intended to provide a creative musical arts and design experience as a liberal arts enrichment. It is not a vocational or professional program in live concert sound, recording studio engineering and management, or commercial music production.

Steps to get started:

Your first step is to review the program description (PDF). Be sure to review the Interdisciplinary Objectives in the program description, so that you understand the goals of this minor and how they may fit your academic and career interests.

The second step is to meet first with the academic advisor for your major, with whom you will complete Section 1 of a Request for Minor form.

The third step is to deliver this form to the music department academic advisor (Kevin Judge, 219 Music Hall) for further review and signature. You may be contacted about any necessary corrections and/or to pick up the signed form and return it to your academic advisor who will assist you to complete any remaining steps that may be required by your individual program of study.

Note: if later on you change your program of study, for example deciding on new electives, you do need to submit a new Request for Minor form. To graduate with the minor, courses you have completed for this minor need to match those on the most recently approved form.

Minor in Music Technology Requirements

The minor is fulfilled by earning 15 credits:


At least six of the fifteen credits must be taken at Iowa State University in courses numbered 3000 or above with a grade of C or higher. The minor must include at least nine credits that are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.


Music majors seeking this minor may not count in the fifteen credits music courses comprising the minor other than 2460, 3460, 4460, and approved 4900. 

Only one of Music 1010 and 1050 may be counted in the minor

Only one of Music 1200 and 3020 may be counted in the minor

A Bachelor of Music major may not count Phys 1980