Music Education - Degree Plan

Bachelor of Music in Music Education

Degrees in Music Education are available for students in both vocal/choral music education and instrumental music education. As a professional degree, a significant number of credits are required in music, music education and professional education courses. The credits are divided into three distinct groups: music courses, professional education courses, and general education courses. Additional guidelines for meeting the unique requirements for music education are below.

Music Education General Education Requirements

To meet certification requirements many of the general education courses are specified.

  • Basic Education
    English 150, 250 and Library 160 are required.

  • Foreign Language
    A total of 8 credits (usually French/German/Italian/Spanish 101 and 102).

  • Group 1. Arts and Humanities
    Music 383, 384, one course in American History (3 credits) and a 3 credit course from the approved list of Arts and Humanities for a total of 12 credits.

  • Group 2. Communications
    Usually Speech 212 or Theatre 358.

  • Group 3. Math and Natural Sciences
    One course in Math (usually Math 104, 105, 150 or 151), one course in physical science, and Physics 198 for a total of 9 credits.

  • Group 4. Social Sciences
    Psychology/Curriculum and Instruction 230 and 333 for a total of 6 credits.

  • International Perspectives
    Music 383

  • U.S. Diversity
    C.I. 406

Certification in Music Education

Admission to Teacher Education

Students may apply for Admission to Teacher Education as soon as Music 266 and all pre-requisites are met. Application information and forms are found online at A grade point average of 2.5 or higher is required at the time of application. All students are required to take the Praxis I exam prior to application for teacher education, information can be found in the Music Education Handbook and at Completed application forms are approved by the Department of Music and then forwarded to the University Teacher Education Committee. Admission to the Teacher Education Program is a prerequisite for Music 366.

Prior to application for Teacher Education:

  • Individual interviews will be conducted with music education students to assess their preparation and readiness for admission to Teacher Education (most of these students will be concurrently enrolled in Music 266 but would include any music education student who has not been accepted to Teacher Education and has already taken Music 266).
  • The student will compile an e-portfolio (assigned as part of Music 266) prior to the interview.
  • An assessment will be made (based on the interview, portfolio and Teacher Education requirements) whether to recommend the student for admission to Teacher Education.
  • This process will become a required part of the Continuation Exam for all music education students to be done prior to scheduling the performance part of the CE

Admission to Student Teaching

During the first two weeks of the semester before student teaching, the student meets with the Music Education Coordinator to discuss the student teaching assignment, responsibilities and commitment. At this time the student will receive an Application for Admission to Student Teaching. When completed, the application form is forwarded to the Office of Student Services and then to school district personnel responsible for accepting student teachers in the school system requested. This application is sent to the College of Education not later than the fourth week of the semester prior to the semester before student teaching. The Office of Student Teaching notifies student teachers of their assignments near the end of the semester, after processing student teaching assignments for all ISU teacher education programs. Information can be found at

Student Teaching Prerequisites:

  • GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Passing of Continuation Examination
  • Successful completion of Graduation Recital
  • Completion of University E-Portfolio requirements
  • Successful completion of all coursework
  • Completion of a minimum of 80 hours of observations in the schools
  • Certification Option Forms are available from the Office of Student Services for students who wish to have certification requirements added to their Degree Audit.

Student Teaching

The commitment to student teaching is a full-time responsibility. The student must adapt to the schedule of the cooperating teacher and only vary from this schedule with the full approval of both the University Supervisor and the Cooperating Teacher. Students should not be registered for other university courses and should not hold other outside jobs during the student teaching semester.

Application for Iowa Teacher Certification

Information and application forms for Iowa Teacher Certification are available online at These are submitted, along with applicable fees, at the required student teacher meetings held in November and April just prior to the semester of student teaching.

For further information, please see the Music Education Handbook and the University Educator Preparation Program website

All forms can be found at