Interested in helping backstage?
Interested in stage management, sound operator, wardrobe, light board operator, and more? Volunteer backstage crew positions are available for all productions and open to all ISU students, regardless of major. Student employee positions are also available in the Scene Shop, Electrics, and Costume Shop.
There are two ways to join ISU Theatre productions backstage crew:
THTRE 2500
Enroll in THTRE 2500 to receive hands-on experience in Theatre production while earning one hour of credit.
- Enrollment in THTRE 2500 is the preferred method for assisting backstage on ISU Theatre productions.
- Open to all majors. Requirements: Completion of the Practicum Survey on Canvas indicating your preferred production and role; successful completion of job duties as assigned; attendance to all technical rehearsals, performances, and strikes as required; and completion of a Response Survey on Canvas.
- Grading is Satisfactory/Fail. One course credit. Repeatable.
- No traditional class meeting times. All course requirements will typically be fulfilled during a nine to twelve-day period of tech rehearsals, performances, and strike.
- Production roles include Assistant Stage Manager (runs length of rehearsal process), stage crew, wardrobe crew, light board operator, sound board operator, and additional roles as needed.
Student Employee Positions
For student employee positions, please contact the following Technical and Design faculty/staff members depending on your area of interest:
- Student employment in Lighting Department - Will Coeur, Production Manager,
- Student employment in Scene Shop and Set Construction - Technical Director
- Costume and Makeup Design - Kelly Marie Schaefer, Resident Costume Designer,
- Student employment in Costume Shop and Costume Construction - Doris Nash, Costume Shop Supervisor,