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Music from the Reign of James I

Pavan: The Funerals - ensemble - Holborne (d. 1602)

Pavan - ensemble - Dering (d. 1630)

Weep, O mine eyes - vocal quartet - Bennet (c. 1570-1610)

Now, O now I needs must part - vocal quartet - Dowland (1562-1626)

Selections from Deuteromelia, Melismata, Pamelia - Ravenscroft (c.1590-c. 1633)

The Marriage of the Frogge and the Mouse - alto, gemshorn

A Round of three Country dances in one - krummhorns, recorder Read more about Music from the Reign of James I

Christmas Music in the Renaissance and Middle Ages

Two Spanish Carols - Anonymous (16th century) 
Dadme albricias, hijos d'Eva - vocal quartet, finger cymbals 
Riu, riu, chiu: El lobo - baritone, vocal quartet, krummhorns

Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen - two settings - Praetorius (1609) 
1. soprano, lute 
2. soprano and alto shawms, tenor and bass sacbuts

All my joy (Greensleeves) - two settings 
1. lute - Thysius Lute Book (16th century) 
2. bass and great bass recorders Read more about Christmas Music in the Renaissance and Middle Ages
