
Music of the Middle Ages

As performed at the Salisbury House

The flowers of the forest - Scottish (traditional) 
hammered dulcimer, tenor recorder, rebec

Lullay: I saw - Medieval English Carol 
soprano, tenor recorder

Hymn to St. Magnus - (12th century) 
bagpipes, soprano recorder


Pastourelle: Dehors lone pree - Anonymous French (13th century) 
pipe and tabor

Music from the time of the Battle of Montaperti

Kyrie - soprano, organetto, harp, bell - Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


Hymn to St. Magnus - bagpipes, soprano recorder - (12th century)

Chansonette: quant je voy yver retourner - gemshorn - Muset (fl. c. 1200-1250)

Rota-Motet: Sumer is icumen in - ensemble - Anonymous (c. 1310)


Chanson: Reis glorios - symphonie (hurdy-gurdy) - Guiraut de Bornelh (c. 1140-c. 1200)

A Program of Medieval Music and Renaissance Italian Music

Ut queant laxis - A Medieval Warmupby Guido d'Arezzo (c. 990-1050) 
Translation: So that thy servants may sing the woder of thy deeds with relaxed vocal chords, 
remove all guilt from their defiled lips, St. John.

Kyrie - Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) 
soprano, organetto, harp, bell, rebec

O viridisima virga - Hildegard 
soprano, symphonia, organetto, harp, rebec


Love in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Love of the Virgin Mary

English Song: Sainte Marie - soprano and rebec - St. Godric (d. 1170)

Cantigas: Como hua moller - gemshorn - Alfonso X (1252-1284)

Como Santa Maria - organetto

Muit' amar devemos - ensemble


Pains and Ecstasies of Love

Maledetto sia I'aspetto - tenor, recorders, gamba, harpsichord - Monteverdi (1567-1643)

Christmas Music in the Renaissance and Middle Ages

Two Spanish Carols - Anonymous (16th century) 
Dadme albricias, hijos d'Eva - vocal quartet, finger cymbals 
Riu, riu, chiu: El lobo - baritone, vocal quartet, krummhorns

Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen - two settings - Praetorius (1609) 
1. soprano, lute 
2. soprano and alto shawms, tenor and bass sacbuts

All my joy (Greensleeves) - two settings 
1. lute - Thysius Lute Book (16th century) 
2. bass and great bass recorders

Four Centuries of Music from the Iberian Peninsula

Contigas ............................. Alfonso X (13th century)

#80 Mais nos faz - rebec

#216 Como Santo Maria - organetto, finger cymbals

#179 Como hua moller - gemshorn, lute, bells

#36 Muit´ amar devemos - bass

Motet: O Magnum Mysterium ........ Victoria (c. 1548)

Missa: O Magnum Mysterium ........................Victoria

Kyrie, Credo, Sanctus - ensemble

Three Villancicos ....................... Anon. (16th century)

Pase el agoa, ma Julieta - vocal quartet

Si la noche - soprano, recorders, gamba

Music of Renaissance Italy - Florence Symposium

As performed during the Florence Symposium

Music found in Caravaggio PaintingsMusicians by Caravaggio

Musicians - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Madrigal: O felic' occhi miei- Jacques Arcadelt (c. 1505-C. 1568) 
voice, bass and great bass recorders, lute

Early Music from Scotland

The Gowans are Gay ............................. Anonymous 
soprano, tenor, garklein recorder, alto gemshorn, audience

In a Garden so Green ........ Anonymous 
soprano, harpsichord


Our Father God Celestial (Lord's Prayer) ...... Pierre Cadeac (pub. 1538) 
soprano, harp, bass and contrabass recorders, gamba


My Lord of Marche Paven a 4 ........... James Lauder (16th century) 
dancers, tenor and great bass recorders, gamba, harpsichord

Music from Both Sides of the English Channel

Music of the Netherlands

Het Soude - rauschpfeife, zink, sacbuts - Anon. (mid-16th century)

Psalm 92 from Souterliedekens - soprano, baritone, recorder, krummhorns - Susato (died c. 1564)

Mijn morken gaf - baritone, zink, rebec, recorder, bass krummhorn -

Ain niederlandisch runden Dantz - lutes - Neusidler (c. 1508-1563)

Ein Niderlendisch tentzlein - lutes - Judenkuenig (c. 1460-1526)

Country Music from the Renaissance and Middle Ages

The Pastoral Countryside

Pastorella - recorders, lute - Anon. (16th century)

Jolly Shepherd Boy - soprano, shawm - Ravenscroft (c. 1590-c. 1633)

La pastorella - alto, tenor, bass recorders - Arcadelt (c 1504-1568)

Schaefertanz - organetto, lute, harp, bass cornamuse - Susato (c. 1500-1561)

The Country Lass

I Care not for These Ladies - baritone, lute - Morley (1557-1602)

Un cavalier de Spagna - soprano shawm, zink - Anon. (16th century)

Bobbing Joe - dancers - Anon. (17th century)
