Two Spanish Carols - Anonymous (16th century)
Dadme albricias, hijos d'Eva - vocal quartet, finger cymbals
Riu, riu, chiu: El lobo - baritone, vocal quartet, krummhorns
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen - two settings - Praetorius (1609)
1. soprano, lute
2. soprano and alto shawms, tenor and bass sacbuts
All my joy (Greensleeves) - two settings
1. lute - Thysius Lute Book (16th century)
2. bass and great bass recorders
In dulci jubilo - recorder quartet - Praetorius 917th century)
Puer natus - recorder quartet
Tarelton's Resurrection - lute - Anonymous
Galliard - lute - Cutting
Two English Carols - Anonymous (15th century)
Now make we merthe: Now God almighty - organ
Lullay: I saw - 2 sopranos, 2 lutes
Angelus ad virginem - soprano, lute, organ - Anonymous (14th century)
Resunemus laudibus - soprano, chorus, organ- Anonymous (14th century)
Resonet in laudibus - organ - Mittelalterischer Kirchenlied
Nunc angelorum - recorder quartet - Praetorius (1607)
Bicinium: Lobt Gott, ihr Christen - tenor recorder, lute - Hermann (1560)
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - organ, tenor sacbut - Scheidt (1624)
Ein Kindelein so loebelich - shawms and sacbuts - Walther (1496-1570)
Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern - ensemble with organ - Praetorius (early 17th century)
Lute Song: Herzliebtes Pild - soprano, lute - Hofhaymer (15th century)
Fantasie: Une jeune fillette - organ - Du Caurroy (1549-1609)
Joseph, lieber Joseph mein - soprano recorder, organetto - Walther (1496-1570)
Three German Folk Songs:
Nun sei uns willkommen - soprano, organetto - (17th century)
Ihr Herten, erwacht - gemshorn - Westfalen
Es bluehen die Maien - soprano, organetto - Oberbayern und Tirol
Three Bicinia
Vom Himmel hoch - organ - Othmayer (1547)
Ich sag dir dank - tenor recorder, lute - Kugelmann (1540)
Lasst uns das Kindlein wiegen - organ - Paderborn (1609)
Verbum patris humanatur - baritone, ensemble - Anonymous (12th century)
Lux hodie: Orientis partibus - ensemble - Anonymous (13th Century)